🐼 Scripts



TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', data)
  • data: table (object)
    • template?: string
    • args: table | string
    • title?: string
    • tag?: table
      • name: string
      • background?: string

Example (with template)

template is optional The purpose of using this is if you want to add your own special html elements, the html codes you write in the template will appear in the chat window. and you must specify the variables you will use in the template in args and then you must write them in order, such as 0, 1 will always start from zero because javascript


TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', source, {
    template = '<div class="chat-message me">This a template! <b>{0}</b> {1}</div>', -- optional
    args = { 'args1', 'args2' },
    title = "Title (Optional)", -- optional
    tag = { -- optional
        name = "TAG",
        background = "#fbbf24" -- optional
-- or you can use it like this
local data = {
    template = '<div class="chat-message me">This a template! <b>{0}</b> {1}</div>', -- optional
    args = { 'args1', 'args2' },
    title = "Title (Optional)", -- optional
    tag = { -- optional
        name = "TAG",
        background = "#fbbf24" -- optional
TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', source, data)

Example (with only args)

If there is no template and the args is a table, the first data will always be tag and will take the default tag colour


TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', source, {
    args = { 'System', 'Hello my friend' },

Now let's use an args as a string instead of a table and add tag, title


TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', source, {
	args = 'Hello My Friend',
	title = 'This a custom title', -- optional
	tag = { -- optional
		name = "This a custom tag",
		background = "#ff0000" -- optional