🐼 Scripts



  • delete or back up your old chat
  • and put the chat you downloaded from keymaster in the folder
  • add set resources_useSystemChat false to your server.cfg


  • browse to the config folder and edit the files in the config folder according to your needs


  • you can find the language file here web > build > locales


  • Popular frameworks by default have things like do, me or staffchat etc

  • or you may already have a script for them.

  • to avoid conflicts with these, things like me,do,ooc etc in um status false by default

  • so in summary, if you want to use the ones in um actions, you need to make their status true

  • all commands can be found here config > commands.lua > ['anycommand'] > status

  • Found for qb-core (opens in a new tab)

  • Found for qbox (opens in a new tab)

General Chat (right side)

  • If you want to use the general chat on the right, setup here

Optional (version check)

Note that ox_lib is a requirement

✅ Ready