🐼 Scripts



  • Make sure your qb-core version are not old
  • Delete qb-multicharacter or other-multicharacter
  • stop basic-gamemode in server.cfg (do not add this again, if you have this, replace ensure with stop)
  • Replace web > build > logo.png with your server logo (Please keep the file size small, no one wants to upload a 10MB logo)
  • Then, go to the config.lua file and configure it according to your preferences.


Config / Default Settings / New Character

  • Config.Clothing = 'qb-clothing' set your clothing menu according to one of the options

    • qb-clothing (default)
    • illenium-appearance
    • bl_appearance
    • fivem-appearance (old illenium for qb or esx, not default version)
    • crm-appearance
    • custom (need export)
  • Config.AnimationMenu = 'other' set your animation menu according to one of the options

    • rpemotes
    • scully
    • other (default)
  • Config.ApartmentStart = true

    • true (default) | If you want new users to start in the apartment inside, this should remain true
    • false If you don't have an apartment script, like qb-apartments, ps-housing, or qbx_properties, or if you don't want an apartment inside startup, set this to false

Config.ApartmentStart = false DefaultSpawn auto open and default coords airport

Config / Events / Spawn

Config.QBEvents = {
      this event sends the character's data to qb-apartments and opens the spawn menu by running the qb-spawn event
      If you are using custom spawn, type your spawn event here, or if you continue to use qb-apartments,
      replace your custom spawn event with the one in qb-apartments
      for um-spawn: 'um-spawn:client:startSpawnUI'
      for ps-housing: 'ps-housing:client:setupSpawnUI'
      for qb-apartments: 'apartments:client:setupSpawnUI'
    spawnEventUI = 'apartments:client:setupSpawnUI',
     if you are not using a custom event don't change it illenium-appearance
     and old illenium fivem-appearance and qb-clothing support it]]
    createFirstCharacter = 'qb-clothes:client:CreateFirstCharacter'
  1. spawnEventUI = 'apartments:client:setupSpawnUI'

    • apartments:client:setupSpawnUI (default) | qb-apartments + qb-spawn, or other comp
    • um-spawn:client:startSpawnUI um-spawn | all in one
    • ps-housing:client:setupSpawnUI ps-housing + qb-spawn
    • custom (replace event / your custom spawn menu)
  2. createFirstCharacter = 'qb-clothes:client:CreateFirstCharacter'

    • qb-clothes:client:CreateFirstCharacter (default) | all clothing menu support this dont change!
    • custom (replace event / your custom clothing menu / or charcreator event)
  3. Config.UMLastLocation = false

    • false(default)
    • true If not using any spawn menu, set true



Make sure that [um] is at the end general load order

ensure oxmysql
ensure ox_lib
ensure qb-core
ensure [qb]
ensure [standalone]
ensure [um] # um-multicharacter


Optional (More stable)

  • If you have a loading screen check fxmanifest.lua
  • add it if it doesn't have it loadscreen_manual_shutdown 'yes'