Common Issues
Syntax Errors
Unexpected end of JSON input
this is a syntax error when editing esx_identity
, usually end
in the last line is forgotten or too much
- download this and replace
- esx 1.10.10 < fixed file (opens in a new tab)
- esx 1.11.1 and newest < fixed file (opens in a new tab)
Status or menu undefined
this is due to the syntax error you made when correcting the config or anywhere else
, check the last place you corrected
@resultSkin nil
Go to the SQL and find the users table
and then browse to the skins > column
, this is empty or nil
, the reason for this error is that the character has no clothing data.
loadInventory error
This has nothing to do with the multi, the error you get in the console seems to have corrupted the inventory export due to your latest changes.
These are usually caused by making a syntax error when adding a new item
to the inventory or not setting up correctly when changing the inventory.
metadata nil player.lua
This has nothing to do with the multi, check the error line it gives you for player.lua, this is usually related to incorrect installation of the community service script
Weather Blinking
- If you do not have a weather sync script, set this to
SyncStatus > true
- If this is
and you are using a custom event for this and it is still blinking
- ensure your weathersync script before um-multicharacter for example
ensure [any_core]
ensure [any_core_stuff] # weathersync is in this folder
ensure [standalone] # or weathersync is in this folder
ensure um-multicharacter
infinite loading
- Check the F8 client console and server console for errors
- If there are no errors, it means that something is not loading correctly and its most likely an outdated core
invisible character only (codem-app and ak47_clothing menu)
skinchanger > client > main.lua
- find >
function - and replace it with this
function LoadDefaultModel(_, _, ped)
TriggerEvent('skinchanger:modelLoaded', ped)